Transport Access Program 3 - Denistone and Stanmore Station Upgrades - ISCouncil

Transport Access Program 3 – Denistone and Stanmore Station Upgrades

Project Details

  • Project Owner: Haslin Constructions
  • Rating Type: As Built
  • Location: NSW
  • Rating Level: Leading
  • Rating Score: 77
  • IS Project manager: Diego Uzzun
  • Stakeholders: Transport for NSW ,Haslin Constructions ,Arcadis,Sydney Trains


The Stanmore and Denistone Upgrade is part of the third tranche of Transport for NSW’s Transport Access Program, known as TAP 3 and seeks to improve access to public transport for those with disability, those with limited mobility or parents with prams and customers with luggage (TAP 3 | Transport for NSW). Providing accessible transport services for everyone in the community, is one of the six priorities for Transport for NSW’s Future Transport Strategy. 

Rating Highlights 

Category  Credits  Achievements/Risks 
Energy and Carbon  Ene-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 13.5. 

Through energy-efficient design, renewable energy integration, and GHG emissions offsetting, the project significantly reduced energy use and GHG emissions achieving 32% reduction in Total Lifecycle Energy use and a 58% reduction in Total Lifecycle GHG emissions. 


Water  Wat-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 6.75. 

The project incorporated efficient water fittings for Sydney Trains assets, including low-water Caroma dual flush toilets (12% annual water reduction), 6-star WELS taps (40% reduction), and 5-star urinals at Stanmore Station (50% reduction). These measures significantly reduced water usage, demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability. 

Urban Landscape and Design  Urb-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 6. 

The project achieved urban landscape credit by involving qualified professionals with over 5 years from DesignInc, who prepared, reviewed, and monitored the design plans. They ensured compliance and implementation through active participation in design meetings and construction monitoring. Evidence of implementation was documented with As Built drawings and photo logs for Denistone and Stanmore stations. 

Verified Innovations 

Name   Verification Date  Innovation Type   Description & Sustainability Benefits 
IC-8 Supply  06/10/23  Innovative Technology or Process  The Project received 0.75 points. 

Made use of the iSupply directory that has connected sustainable supplier to the construction company. 

Urb-1  24/06/24  Exceeding Credit Benchmark  The Project received 1 point. 

The Project exceeded credit benchmark by utilizing Suitably Qualified Professionally with over 5 years’ experience to monitor Urban Design through construction, assessment of compliance and implementation of Urban Public Domain and Landscape Design Plan. 


Wat-1  24/06/24  Exceeding Credit Benchmark  The Project received 1 point. 

The project has met the ‘improving on credit benchmark’ criteria for the Wat-1 Water use reduction by exceeding the 20% reduction requirement achieving 25% reduction in operation through the initiatives described in Wat-1, including:  

  1. WELS toilets (4 star) 
  1. High efficiency taps (6 star) and  
  1. Urinals (5 star) 


Certification Date



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