There may be a natural tendency to jump straight to discussing the project initiative itself and describing its benefits. For the case study to be compelling however, it is essential to ‘step back’ and accurately describe the context and what the project is trying to achieve. The context should briefly describe the project, including: Scope and Vision, key objectives and targets, Key stakeholders, e.g. customer, business partners, community, Contract type and value, IS Rating details e.g. credit(s) and level achieved
Describe the selected solution(s) and implementation. Including any challenges you faced along the way, and how you overcame those challenges. What initiatives worked and what didn’t? You can include any relevant costs, performance data, outcomes, tools to support your story.
Context – Detail how this credit falls within the scope of the projects
Challenges and Barriers (lessons Learnt) Even with the most successful projects and sustainability initiatives there are always some lessons to be learnt. There are usually things that went well that were considered vital to the project's success ( for others who are looking to implement a similar project or initiative.
Actions to Overcome Barriers– Include details of the analysis of options and the decision criteria used. Description of alternative solutions that were considered. Analysis of options and how decisions were made. Include calculations and assumption related to the solutions.
Credit Highlights (benefits, outcomes and achievements) – What has been achieved. Describe the benefits from the various stakeholder viewpoints. Consider the direct and indirect impacts on each stakeholder, why it is important to them and how they define or measure success.
Examples of documents – Provide redacted examples of tool you used or created to deliver this credit. Such as spreadsheet, cost benefit analysis, meeting agendas.
Other Information – Please include any other information that support and showcases the delivery of this credit highlight. Consider how it will help others in the industry and support progress. Recommendations – to encourage others to build upon your knowledge, Broader opportunities or challenges, Impacts
Detail the outcomes achieved through your project. How they were achieved and other options considered. How did you implement plan to achieve these outcomes?
Showcase independent acknowledgements of the benefits and achievements of the project. May include industry awards, customer testimonials and community feedback. Describe your winning edge, what made your project stand out, and receive the award.
including recommendations for other projects. Showcase the positive and improved outcomes, include positive and negative lessons learnt. Things that went well that were considered vital to the project's success (i.e. tips for others who are looking to implement a similar project or initiative). There are also typically things that could have been done differently to increase the positive outcomes.
Use this field to provide a case-study that does not fall into one of the above categories. Recommendations to include – Description of the initiative, how this delivered outcomes, data on outcomes, tools and templates used (desensitised if necessary), stakeholders engaged.