Industry Impact - Eligibility Criteria & Application Questions - ISCouncil

Industry Impact Category

Award Descriptions

Private sector

Demonstrate industry impact toward low carbon, resilient and/or inclusive infrastructure through:

  1. Organisational change at strategy or operational level, and/or
  2. Systemic change by contributing to policy, standards or specifications that mobilise industry leaders, and/or
  3. Growing sector social licence by building public awareness of the benefits of infrastructure sustainability. 

Public sector

Demonstrate industry impact toward low carbon, resilient and/or inclusive infrastructure by:

  1. Organisational change at strategy or operational level, and/or
  2. Systemic change through developing policy, standards or specifications that mobilise industry leaders, and/or
  3. Growing sector social licence sponsorships and building public awareness of the benefits of infrastructure sustainability. 

Eligibility Criteria

The organisation or legal entity applying for an award must be a current member of Infrastructure Sustainability Council. This award is only available for entrants to enter on behalf of an organisation, rather than on behalf of a project. 

Entrants must provide full disclosure of any fines or prosecutions in the last three years. It will be at the Infrastructure Sustainability Council’s complete discretion to determine whether the application can be accepted based on the disclosure information provided. 

The innovative strategy, process, method or technology with the outcomes achieved between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Application Questions

Submission Question 

Word limit 


Describe WHAT you have done and HOW you have done it.

500 words 

15% of total score 

What were the OUTCOMES and how were those outcomes shared? 

700 words 

35% of total score 

Describe WHO has benefited from your initiative, innovation, or approach?

400 words 

20% of total score 

What LEGACY and UN SDG was achieved?

600 words 

30% of total score