LXRP - SPA - Additional Works Package 4 (AWP4) - Design - ISCouncil

LXRP – SPA – Additional Works Package 4 (AWP4) – Design

Project Details

  • Project Owner: Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP)
  • Rating Type: Design
  • Location: VIC
  • Rating Level: Excellent
  • Rating Score: 71
  • IS Project manager: Luke Sammut
  • Stakeholders: Southern Program Alliance (SPA) (Acciona, Coleman Rail, MTM, WSP) ,Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM)


 The Additional Works Package 4 (AWP4) involves the removal of 2 level crossings through a rail under scenario (Glen Huntly Rd & Neerim Rd), construction of a new station (Glen Huntly station) & signalling improvements at Caulfield Junction. 

Rating Highlights 

Category  Credits  Achievements/Risks 
Management Systems  Man-6  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 2.17.  

The Project has conducted several toolbox and knowledge share sessions which covered topics such as the Cultural Heritage Management Plan, Safe Handling and Storage of Hazardous Substances, sustainability benefits of alternative equipment and services such as Upparel and how to effectively communicate sustainability opportunities. Lessons learnt were also recorded during monthly meetings between the sustainability teams from all the Level Crossing Removals Alliances.  

Urban Landscape and Design  Urb-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 7.72. 

The Project’s Urban Design Advisory Panel (UDAP) provided expert design advice and helped balanced multiple objectives, issues, requirements, and feedback to achieve optimal design outcomes. Through regular UDAP meetings and design reviews, the following changes to the urban design layout were adopted:   

  • Revised Tram Stop Pedestrian Barrier and linear planter box design to support convenient modal interchange between trains and trams. 
  • A generous north-facing forecourt that reflects the heritage of the streetscape and creates open public space. 
Energy and Carbon  Ene-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 2.53 with a score of 10.99. 

The Project modelled 33.1% total GHG emissions reduction compared to the base case (14,545,489 kgCO2-e to 9,732,577 kgCO2-e). The modelled reductions have been achieved through the following initiatives: 

  • Purchase of GreenPower for construction site sheds  
  • Selection of high efficiency and reduced density fixtures for lighting  
  • HVAC improvements in fan efficiency & coefficient of performance  
  • Installing solar PV array on the station canopies   

Verified Innovations 

Name   Verification Date  Project Publication sign off  Innovation Type   Description & Sustainability Benefits 
Recycled vests  8/11/23    Innovative Technology or Process 

Australian First (awarded under 12 month ruling) 

The Project received 3 points for this innovation.  

The Project engaged with Assembled Threads to conduct a procurement trail of recycled PPE. As a result, 200 Hi-Vis vests were used on site for 6 months and then collected as part of the ‘take-back scheme’ to generate more PPE. The local manufacture, distribution, use and recycling of these vests have: 

  • Provided training and long-term employment for 12 workers from CALD communities. 
  • Prevented 78 kg of safety vests ending up in landfill.  
  • Achieved a certified Global Recycled Standard for the fabrics used.   
ISupply  8/11/23    Innovation Challenge (IC-8)  The Project received 0.75 points for using the following products/services from the ISupply directory: 

  •  InfraBuild (structural steel, reinforcing bar and mesh, and rail products) 
  • Hanson Concrete (ready mix concrete) 
  • Holcim (ready mix concrete)  


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