M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrade Palm Beach to Tugun - ISCouncil

M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrade Palm Beach to Tugun

Project Details

  • Project Owner: Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads
  • Rating Type: As Built
  • Location: QLD
  • IS Project manager: Siddharth Bishnoi
  • Stakeholders: AECOM GHD Joint Venture ,Seymour Whyte


Palm Beach to Tugun is Package 4 (out of a tot al of four Packages of works) within the overarching Varsity Lakes to Tugun Project that is undertaking an IS Prog ram rating. The Project is a road upgrade consisting of interchange upgrades and motor way widening including shared user paths.

Rating Highlights 

Category  Credits  Achievements/Risks 
Energy and Carbon  Ene-1  This project achieved a level 2.43 and a verified score of 8.94. 

This project achieved this using 3 renewable technologies. These include:  

  • Biofuel Consumption 
  • Wind Farm 
  • Solar Photovoltaic (PV) arrays 

Due to the use of these renewable technologies, it has allowed there to be an increase of 179369 GJ of renewable energy within the project. This will account for 36.8% of renewable energy which is to be used in the lifecycle of the project.  

Also, this has reduced Carbon emissions within the project. There is a 21.5% reduction from Base to Actual Case with Operations having 28% reductions with the use of new renewable energy technologies.  

Materials  Mat-1  This Project has achieved 2.54 level with a verified score of 6.23. 

This project has many initiatives which they have used to reduce the number of materials which are being used or the types so that it is able to reduce the carbon footprint. The reductions and initiatives include: 

  • A 21% reduction from Base Case to Actual Case.  
  • The initiative of using Driven piles instead of CFA piles benefits the project as there is now a reduction in the quantity of materials which are to be used. There is a reduction of 56% of materials used.  
  • The initiative of using Synthetic fibre-reinforce concrete paths instead of using steel reinforcement which has higher embodied energy.  
  • The Reuse of both drainage structures and light retaining poles. 
Urban Landscape and Design   Urb-1  The project achieved a level 3 score of 4.83 for this credit.  

Key initiatives that led to this score included:   


  • Engaged an Independent Design Review Panel (LAUDink landscape architects) to review and provide feedback on the overarching Strategy and package-specific plans  
  • Preparation of a VL2T Landscape and Urban Design Strategy (at the Program level to ensure consistency) and development of a package-specific Urban Design Plan (which responded to the overarching Strategy) 
  • Conducted internal reviews on urban and landscape design plans 



Name   Description  
Concrete Pavement Rubblisation – Australian First   Through design discussions and regular meetings within the project team, concrete fracturing techniques were raised as a method for existing materials to remain in-situ. These included pavement rubblisation and ‘crack and seat’ techniques. These techniques have previously been used overseas but are yet to be adopted in Australia.  


Invertebrates habitat improvement – Australian First   The VL2T project has gone beyond the business as usual practice of including fauna sensitive road design considerations within road projects. While holistic fauna sensitive road design strategies and enhancements are another key outcome of the project (including structures such as culverts with fish passage and an extensive fauna underpass and fauna furniture), the additional focus on enhancing vulnerable invertebrate species and their habitat demonstrates the project’s significant commitment to sustainability and leaving a lasting legacy. The focus on invertebrate sensitive road design is a first in Queensland and in Australia.    


Waste Calculator    As a response to this issue, TMR has developed an innovative Waste and Recycling Calculator, which has been designed to trigger and drive market transformation in the transport infrastructure sector. The purpose of the calculator is to:   

  • Estimate the type and volumes of waste generated from various types of transport infrastructure projects for the purpose of estimating costs and associated waste management (including resource recovery) and landfill disposal;   
  • Capture actual waste types and volumes for the purpose of reporting under Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2017 requirements;   
  • Capture data on recycled materials utilised on projects to build a body of knowledge on the level of uptake by industry and drive strategies for increasing use in the future; and   
  • Generate evidence required to meet the Was-1, Was-2 and Was-3 IS credits.   

In the short time since its release, the Waste and Recycling Calculator has demonstrated innovation and market transformation, with other State Road Agencies trialling the calculator on a significant number of roads projects in other States across Australia.  


Fauna Fencing Innovative  TMR and the VL2T program have developed and implemented an innovative fauna shield device as a solution, which will also prevent other fauna species such as possums from ascending the noise barriers. The design for the fauna shield includes a bent Colourbond sheet to be fitted over the H Beam which is fixed to the precast sound barrier. This is a cost-effective solution as the fauna shields will be applied to already-included sound barriers rather than requiring additional fauna fencing and will require little maintenance over the lifecycle of the asset. This design will be particularly effective on road corridors to prevent fauna vehicle strikes in the area.   
Sta 1 v2.0 trial  Trialled ISv2.0 Sta-1 credit 
VL2T_Birdwing butterfly vine 2;
VL2T rubbilisation 2;
VL2T rubbilisation 1;
VL2T fauna exclusion shield 2;

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