Parkes Water Treatment Plant - ISCouncil

Parkes Water Treatment Plant

Project Details

  • Project Owner: Parkes Shire Council
  • Rating Type: As Built
  • Location: NSW
  • IS Project manager: Asim Nizam
  • Stakeholders: John Holland, Parkes Shire Council


Complete renewal of the Parkes Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), both on new premises. The project also includes the construction of a new Advanced Water Recycling Facility (AWRF) downstream of the STP, plus a new sewage pumping station and rising main that conveys inflows to the new STP. 


Climate Change Adaption - Cli-2 

Achieved a level of 3 with a verified score of 4.14. 

PSC implemented the recommendations / adaptation measures that came out of the Climate Change Risk Assessment, some of which are highlighted below:   

  • Flood mitigation measures such as locating critical systems and site infrastructure above potential flood zones. 
  • Installing an early warning system at Lake Endevour Dam (upstream of Goobang Creek) which is near the STP. 
  • Sludge lagoons are in a Turkey Nest design to prevent runoff intrusion. 
  • Allowance for 1 in 20-year rainfall in all open tanks and lagoons.  

Energy and Carbon - Ene-1 - Ene-2 

PSC offsets nearly 50% of energy at STP/AWRF with solar power, and the project overall achieved a 30% energy reduction though solar initiatives. The installation of the large PV solar array was also what lead to the awarding of innovation points, as the AWRF was designed to suit the solar resource. All buildings were designed and constructed with double glazing and high insulation standards.  


Wat-1: Achieved a level of 2.5 with a verified score of 6.21. 

There was an intricate modelling and monitoring process which was implemented throughout the project. And achieved a significant reduction in potable water use. 

Water use data was collected through:  

  • Construction: savings of 46%  
  • Operation: Saving of 32% 

Wat-2: Achieved a level of 2.8 with a verified score of 3.87.  

Water Substitution Initiatives  

Potable water was substituted with non-potable water from three sources:  

  • Extraction from disused brick pit off-site 
  • Use of raw bore water 
  • Rainwater harvesting from site facilities  

Non-potable Substitution Achieved  

The project achieved 93% non-potable water use. 

Ecology - Eco-1 

The Project achieved a level of 3 with a verified score of 9.32. Improving the ecological value of the project site by greater than 20%, examples of significant additional enhancement include: 

  • Design and construction of fishway within Goobang Creek, 
  • Strategic revegetation of corridors to connect remnant paddock trees with previously fragmented patches of Fuzzy Box Woodland, 
  • Rehabilitation of the former STP tertiary treatment ponds to provide permanent wetlands for water birds and waders which frequent the ponds. 

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