Princes Highway East Duplication - Kilmany Section - ISCouncil

Princes Highway East Duplication – Kilmany Section

Project Details

  • Project Owner: Department of Transport and Planning Reference: Major Road Projects Victoria
  • Rating Type: Design
  • Location: VIC
  • Rating Level: Excellent
  • Rating Score: 50.8
  • IS Project manager: Suzanne Walker
  • Stakeholders: Major Road Projects Victoria,Aurecon ,Laing O’Rourke ,Department of Transport and Planning


The Princes Highway East Duplication - Kilmany Section (PHEK) is approximately 5.1km long and extends from east of Maffra-Rosedale Road Nambrok, to Velore Road, Kilmany. 

Rating Highlights 

Category  Credits  Achievements/Risks 
Materials  Mat-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 8.13. 

The Project demonstrated a total materials emission reduction of 38% compared to the base case (17,033 tCO2-e to 10,541 tCO2-e). Key contributions to the emission reductions include reduced material quantities, use of 30% SCM for reduced volume of in-situ concrete, optimisation of the bridge superstructure design and consolidation of drainage lines.  

Discharges to Air, Land and Water  Dis-4  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 3.22. 

The Project conducted an Air Quality Assessment as part of the Environmental Effects Statement and reported medium to high dust generation from construction and minor operational impacts to air quality. To mitigate and monitor the dust impacts, the Project adopted continuous monitoring devices, visual screens, and dust suppressants. 

Water  Wat-2  The Project achieved a verified level of 2.98 with a score of 3.36. 

The Project’s monitoring and modelling suggests a 99.45% reduction in potable water use. This will be achieved by the installation of two 10,000L rainwater tanks and two water meters (one for potable and one for non-potable water). These initiatives will allow construction and operational (site office toilets) water use to largely come from non-potable sources.  

Certification Date:


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