TAP 3 – Killara and Turrella Stations Upgrades - ISCouncil

TAP 3 – Killara and Turrella Stations Upgrades

Project Details

  • Project Owner: DT Infrastructure
  • Rating Type: Design
  • Location: NSW
  • Rating Level: Excellent
  • Rating Score: 73
  • IS Project manager: Diego Uzzun
  • Stakeholders: Transport for NSW,Aurecon,DT Infrastructure


The Transport Access Program (TAP) aims to enhance the experience of public transport customers by providing accessible, modern, secure, and integrated transport infrastructure. 

Upgrades to two existing train stations will include the following: 

  • Construction of new lifts for access to station platforms and existing footbridges, complete with lift landings, canopies, throw screens, and support structures. 
  • Installation of seating and canopies in existing boarding assistance zones, where necessary. 
  • Provision of accessible kiss-and-ride spaces and new accessible parking spaces. 
  • Reconfiguration of existing station toilet facilities to include family accessible and ambulant toilets. 
  • Ancillary works such as platform regrading, minor modifications to station buildings, and upgrades to station power supply. 

Rating Highlights 

Category  Credits  Achievements/Risks 
Discharge to Air, land, and water  Dis-3  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 5.28. 

The Project effectively managed noise during construction, adhering to TfNSW’s Construction Noise and Vibration Strategy. Their vibration goals focused on minimizing human discomfort, protecting contents within buildings, and maintaining the structural integrity of buildings. 

At Killara Station, the heritage-listed station building was recognized as a sensitive receiver, while at Turrella Station, multiple sensitive receivers were identified within the minimum working distances for vibration-intensive equipment.  

Community Health, Well-being, and Safety  Hea-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 2.78. 

The project adopted the Kuringgai Council’s 2038 community strategic plan which emphasizes sustainability in community health, well-being, and safety through various initiatives addressing priority issues. The objective is to encourage a community that embraces healthier lifestyle choices and practices.  

Water  Wat-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 2.9 with a score of 4.84. 

The Killara water model comprehensively manages potable and non-potable water uses during both the construction and operational phases of the project. It includes essential uses such as dust suppression, road sweeping, vacuum excavation, and facilities like toilets and taps. The model projects total water uses at 0.50 ML during delivery and 2.48 ML over the infrastructure's lifecycle. Importantly, the model achieves a 19% reduction in water use compared to the base case.  


Verified Innovations 

Name   Verification Date  Innovation Type   Description & Sustainability Benefits 
Inn-1.1 Rso-6 & Rso-7  19/04/2024    Innovative technology or process  The Project received 0.15 points. 


Inn-1.3 iSupply  19/04/2024    Innovative technology or process  The Project received 0.75 points. 

The project has used 3 suppliers from IS ISupply directory. 

Inn-1.4 Gatewave  19/04/2024    Innovative technology or process 

Australian First 

The Project received 3 points. 

Gatewave was developed by Renzo Tonin and Associates for advanced noise and vibration modelling. It models airborne noise, ground-borne noise, and vibrations accurately. It supports a wider range of construction equipment and assesses cumulative impacts from multiple concurrent work scopes. It reduces unnecessary mitigation costs and improves compliance with environmental standards. 



Certified Date



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