Transport Access Program 3 - Point Clare Station - ISCouncil

Transport Access Program 3 – Point Clare Station

Project Details

  • Project Owner: Gartner Rose Pty Ltd
  • Rating Type: As Built
  • Registered Date: November 2021
  • Completion Date: September , 2022
  • Location: NSW
  • Rating Level: Excellent
  • Rating Score: 50.16
  • IS Project manager: Diego Uzzun
  • Stakeholders: Transport for NSW,Gartner Rose ,SMEC,Sydney Trains


Point Clare Station is on the CCN – Central Coast – Newcastle Line, 4km southwest of Gosford, about 85km from Sydney. The station is bordered by Brisbane Water Drive and Kurrawa Avenue and consists of an elevated station comprising two way-side platforms serving two separate tracks. Upon completion of the project, Point Clare Station now offers convenient and accessible access from Brisbane Water Drive and Kurrawa Avenue via two new passenger lifts allowing passengers to access the train platforms. Accessible parking was also added within proximity of the new station access routes.   

The project involved the installation of:  

  • Two new lifts connecting to the platform.  
  • Upgraded Station entries ensuring accessible paths of travel.  
  • Refurbishment work to the existing toilet block to accommodate ambulant members.  
  • Pavement Works to Brisbane Water Drive & Kurrawa Avenue.  
  • Relocation of major services.  
  • Improve existing structures to improve compliance.  
  • Lighting, security, and other system upgrades. 

Rating Highlights 

Category  Credits  Achievements/Risks 
Waste  Was-2  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 3.50. 

The Project effectively managed waste during construction, achieving significant diversion from landfill. 

Spoil waste, including fill/VENM, was entirely diverted from landfill, with 464.36 tonnes reused on-site and the remainder sent for sorting and screening for reuse. 

100% of all inert and non-hazardous waste, consisting of concrete, timber, plasterboard, and steel, was completely diverted from landfill and nearly 80% of the materials used in construction being recoverable, primarily steel and concrete. 

Office waste saw a 63% diversion from landfill, with plastics, paper, and cardboard segregated for recycling. 


Community Health, Well-being, and Safety  Hea-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 2.50. 

During the stakeholder consultations, Central Coast Council submitted suggestions to enhance the Point Clare TAP-3 upgrade for community health and wellbeing. 



Verified Innovations 

Name   Verification Date  Innovation Type   Description & Sustainability Benefits 
Was-3  04/04/24  Exceeding Credit Benchmarks  The Project received 1 point. 

The deconstruction plan outlined components easily separable for recycling or reuse, achieving up to 50% deconstructability by value.  

Materials such as concrete, steel, asphalt, glass and aluminium, comprising 77.90% of total project materials, were identified for recycling or reuse.  


Certification Date



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