Case Studies - ISCouncil


Please select one of the following three options to submit your case study.

General Submission

Case-study build understanding and awareness across the industry. Showcasing innovations, sharing lessons learnt and highlighting successes. They deeply contribute to knowledge sharing, and increasing the general capability across the industry.  

Not only will your case-study help the industry, it also provides promotional material for your organisation and project.  

The case-study, once completed, will be published on the ISC website. It may also be used across various platforms such as The Annual Impact Report, Training material, Social media and in presentations and reports.  

Before finalising the case-study you organisation’s approval is required.  

For additional support 

For a template and example of a case-study please see IS Case Study Guideline and Template (August 2021). The purpose of this guide is to assist case study authors optimise their preparation of case studies to maximise impact. [Link] 

Please note – this form must be completed in a single sitting. There is no ability to save progress and come back to it at a later stage.  

If you have any questions regarding your case-study please email 

LEA - 3 Submission

The intent of the LEA-3 Knowledge sharing credit is New or updated knowledge on issues and outcomes important to infrastructure sustainability is shared between projects and more widely within industry.   


  • Knowledge Sharing requirements for the project can be met across the Design and As Built phases 
  • Projects can select from any of the listed criteria for each of Level 1 and 2
  • This credit is not eligible for the “exceeding credit performance” innovation pathway 
  • An IS case study template can be provided by your IS Project Manager

 For additional support 

See IS Case Study Guideline and Template (August 2021). The purpose of this guide is to assist case study authors optimise their preparation of case studies to maximise impact. [Link] 

Submission of a case-study does not guarantee you will be awarded the relevant credit points. The case-study will be reviewed by the verifier during the verification process.   

Please note – this form must be completed in a single sitting. There is no ability to save progress and come back to it at a later stage.  

If you have any questions regarding your case-study please email 

MAN-6 Submission

Knowledge sharing is crucial to ensuring organsiational and industry-wide sustainability knowledge from a diverse range of sources is captured, shared and built upon. This creates intellectual capital and facilitates a faster and more efficient cycle of new sustainability knowledge creation and innovation.  

Your contribution of a case-study can address the Man-6 credit in IS Rating v1.2 Design and As Built.  

While there are no mandatory fields for the Man-6 credit case-study you may wish to use the template provided for v2.1 to shape your case-study.  

For additional support 

See IS Case Study Guideline and Template (August 2021). The purpose of this guide is to assist case study authors optimise their preparation of case studies to maximise impact. [Link] 

Please note – this form must be completed in a single sitting. There is no ability to save progress and come back to it at a later stage.  

 If you have any questions regarding your case-study please email