Converting the Halo Effect to a Virtuous Cycle - ISCouncil

Converting the Halo Effect to a Virtuous Cycle

Monday, 22 May 2017

Converting the Halo Effect to a Virtuous Cycle

“Infrastructure is good! It creates jobs and stimulates the economy.’ Well that is not necessarily true, especially when the wrong infrastructure solution is implemented or when infrastructure is poorly delivered and operated.”

ISCA CEO, Antony Sprigg, has authored a thought leadership article on how infrastructure sustainability will unlock sustainable infrastructure and the capital needed and has been published in the official ICC G20 CEO Advisory Group magazine for VIP delegates, diplomats and world leaders attending the B20 Summit.

Download a pdf copy of the article here. View the entire publication here.

Sprigg, A. (2017). Converting the Halo Effect to a Virtuous Cycle: How Infrastructure Sustainability will Unlock Sustainable Infrastrcuture and the Capital Needed. G20 Executive Talk Series, [online] (May 2017), p.70-71. Available at: [Accessed 3 May 2017].

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