Contaminated Waste Management – ISCouncil

Contaminated Waste Management


  • Product Type Cleaning Services, Construction Services, Waste Management and Recycling
  • Regions Australia, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia



  • Company Name
  • ISupplier Profile Visit


Patriot Environmental Management is on a mission to create zero waste sites in the construction and infrastructure industries. Patriot’s vision is to be a leading provider of environmental management solutions in Australia. Patriot offers a range of services from treatment and transport of all liquid waste, industrial services, and total waste management for both liquid and solid waste streams.

Patriot prides itself on its constant improvement of sustainable practices. Patriot offers full-cycle environmental solutions that adhere to strict regulatory guidelines of waste elimination and re-use principles.

Patriot utilise the skills of internal and external technical experts to deliver services in a number of critical areas:
– In-house specialist to provide technical advice on onsite treatment of most industry by-products
– On-site treatment and transport of fluids, muds, and water
– Dredge spoil and contaminated soil management

Patriot has adopted an Environmental Management Plan to underpin all its activities. An integrated quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management system, guaranteeing the highest level of commitment in delivering your total waste management solutions.
Patriot has the necessary skills, capability, and organisational depth to deliver safe, productive, and value-added environmental waste management solutions to your project large or small.

Sustainability Outcomes

Patriot Environmental Management offers a Bulk Liquid Transport service, which is able to treat and manage a broad range of regulated and non-regulated wastes. These include quarantine and hazardous materials produced by the industrial and commercial sectors.

Patriot’s fleet of modern vacuum tankers range from 4,000L trucks used for the domestic market to 50,000L road trains. Patriot complement its liquid waste division with providing bulk potable and recycled water deliveries and offering ISO tanks for safe on-site liquid waste storage solutions.

Patriot provides bulk liquid transport management for various liquid wastes including but not limited to:
– Oily sludge and waters
– Drill slurry, bentonites and muds
– Effluents, septic and sewer
– Hydrocarbon sludge
– Leachates
– Biological wastes
– Bilge water and bulker wastes
– Contaminated waters
– Concrete slurry

By partnering with Patriot Environmental Management for recycling and waste management services you may be able to achieve Resource Efficiency credits under ISv2.0 and Waste, Land, Materials and Discharge credits under ISv1.2.

Here are few examples of how Patriot can help you achieve and fulfill some of the IS credit requirements:
– Rso-1/Was-1: Patriot can work with your project to identify and implement resource efficiency solutions to include in your project’s Resource Efficiency Strategy or Waste Management Plans.
– Rso-2/Lan-3: Patriot can work with you to identify and review contamination risks as well as provide sustainable contamination and remediation solutions for your project.
– Rso-4/Was-2: Patriot can work with your project to develop innovative solutions for resource output including recovery solutions that divert waste away from landfill for beneficial re-use. Patriot can work with your project to achieve maximum diversion rates from landfill and provide evidence for this credit via waste data reporting.

Applicable Credits

IS v1.2 Lan-2 , Lan-3 , Mat-1 , Pro-1 , Pro-2 , Pro-3 , Pro-4 , Was-1 , Was-2 , Wat-2

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