GuardDog Drain Filter – ISCouncil

GuardDog Drain Filter


  • Product Type Stormwater Solutions
  • Regions Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia



  • Company Name Stratex
  • ISupplier Profile Visit


Drain filter which uses recycled materials to trap sediment and hydrocarbons from entering stormwater systems.

Sustainability Outcomes

Absorbent / filtration media is made from 100% recycled materials.

Applicable Credits

IS v1.2 Dis-1 , Inn-1
IS v2.1 Env-1 , Inn-1
Dis-1 (ISv1.2) Receiving water quality The GuardDog drain filter absorbent filtration material has been independently laboratory tested to remove sediment and particles down to 53 microns (0.053mm). In addition, each GuardDog can absorb up to 10L of hydrocarbons, preventing pollution to waterways and stormwater systems caused by contaminated stormwater runoff. This may assist in securing credits for improvements in receiving water quality
Env-1 (ISv2.1) Receiving Water Quality The GuardDog drain filter absorbent filtration material has been independently laboratory tested to remove sediment and particles down to 53 microns (0.053mm). In addition, each GuardDog can absorb up to 10L of hydrocarbons, preventing pollution to waterways and stormwater systems caused by contaminated stormwater runoff. This may assist in securing credits for improvements in receiving water quality.
Inn-1 (ISv2.1) Innovation The GuardDog drain filter contributes to Innovation Challenge 8: Sustainable Suppliers and Isupply.
Inn-1 (ISv1.2) Innovation The GuardDog drain filter contributes to Innovation Challenge 8: Sustainable Suppliers and Isupply.

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